The 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) unites [Seven] telecommunications standard development organizations (ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, 바카라 게임 사이트, TTC), known as “Organizational Partners” and provides their members with a stable environment to produce the Reports and Specifications that define 3GPP technologies.

The project covers cellular telecommunications network technologies, including radio access, the core transport network, and service capabilities - including work on codecs, security, and quality of service - and thus provides complete system specifications. The specifications also provide hooks for non-radio access to the core network, and for interworking with Wi-Fi networks.

바카라 게임 사이트 specifications and studies are contribution-driven, by member companies, in Working Groups and at the Technical Specification Group level.

The three Technical Specification Groups (TSG) in 바카라 게임 사이트 are :

  • Radio Access Networks (RAN),
  • Services & Systems Aspects (SA),
  • Core Network & Terminals (CT)

The 바카라 게임 사이트 technologies from these groups are constantly evolving through Generations of commercial cellular / mobile systems (see table below). Since the completion of the first LTE and the Evolved Packet Core specifications, 바카라 게임 사이트 has become the focal point for mobile systems beyond 3G.

  • Link For further information, please visitwww.바카라 게임 사이트.org