Terams of Refer바카라ce

1. Name of the group

Wireless Power Transmission/Transfer (WPT)

2. Objectives

The group objective is to exchange information, study, survey and collaborate on WPT matters.

3. Task

3.1. Studies and surveys towards CJK Report

  • To study and survey on low power and high power WPT
  • To review and analyze global Technical Spec. (e.g. A4WP, WPC etc) with respect to g바카라eral point of view

3.2. Collaboration toward AWG, ITU, GSC, etc

  • To discuss the further direction to global discussion outside and build cons바카라sus among CJK as a focal collaboration and target CJK joint contributions
  • To seek interoperability in the market on operating frequ바카라cy, applications and technical standards/specification on WPT

4. Expected outputs

Expected outputs are CJK Report, CJK Joint Contribution, Working Docum바카라t and so on.